How to Identify Degenerative Myelopathy in your Dog

How to Identify Degenerative Myelopathy in your Dog

Action Steps

Could your dog have the gene responsible for degenerative myelopathy? Get an accurate diagnosis with EasyDNA’s Dog Degenerative Myelopathy Test, starting from $69.

Talk with your vet about suitable physical therapies and possible treatment using a drug called Riluzole. Riluzole is the first drug to receive FDA approval for treating ALS in people.


Degenerative myelopathy is a heartbreaking and progressive disease that affects our furry friends, particularly dogs. This condition attacks the spinal cord, leading to a gradual weakening of muscles and loss of coordination. It’s somewhat akin to ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) in humans, and while it’s not painful for the dog, it can have significant impacts on their mobility and quality of life. We often see initial symptoms in dogs starting from the age of eight years and older, but it’s not unheard of in younger dogs.

Since degenerative myelopathy is linked to genetics, we need to understand the role of certain genes, like SOD1, that increase a dog’s risk of developing it. However, the mere presence of the gene doesn’t guarantee a dog will develop the disease; environmental factors may also play a crucial role. Recognizing early signs is key for us to manage our dog’s condition well and keep them comfortable for as long as possible. Unfortunately, as of now, there is no cure for degenerative myelopathy, but there are ways we can help manage the symptoms and maintain a good quality of life for our dogs.

Key Takeaways

  • Degenerative myelopathy is a progressive disease that affects a dog’s spinal cords, leading to muscle weakness.
  • Genetic factors play a significant role in a dog’s risk of developing degenerative myelopathy.
  • Early detection is crucial for managing the disease and helping dogs maintain their quality of life.

Understanding Degenerative Myelopathy

Degenerative myelopathy in dogs is a progressive spinal cord disorder that leads to weakness and paralysis in the hind limbs. We’ll take a closer look into why it happens and what signs to watch for.

Etiology and Genetics

The root cause of degenerative myelopathy (DM) is a mutation in the SOD1 gene. This genetic defect is similar to the one found in ALS in humans. For a dog to develop DM, it usually needs to inherit two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent. Therefore, DM is an inherited disease. Studies suggest that certain breeds are more predisposed to this condition, indicating a genetic component to the disease’s prevalence.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Initial symptoms might be easy to overlook, but as the disease progresses, they become more pronounced. The stages of degenerative myelopathy can be summarized as follows:

  • Early Stages: Dogs may show difficulty getting up, lack coordination in the hind legs, or start to drag their feet, which can lead to worn nails.
  • Intermediate Stages: Symptoms can progress to partial paralysis in the hind limbs. Dogs may sway while standing or struggle with mobility.
  • Late Stages: As the disease advances, our canine friends can become completely paralyzed in the back half of their bodies.

Diagnosis of DM is often made by ruling out other possible conditions through a combination of neurological exams, imaging such as MRI or CT scans, and genetic testing to detect the SOD1 mutation associated with the disease.

Stages of Degenerative Myelopathy

Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is a progressive disease in dogs that typically goes through defined stages, each marked by various symptoms and physical changes.

Early Stage Manifestations

In the early stage of DM, we often notice weakness in our dog’s rear legs. This might appear as a subtle change in their gait or an unusual position of their tail. They may scuff their rear paw pads, and the innermost nails of the rear paws can become worn down. At times, the early signs could be mistaken for hip dysplasia, especially when our dogs have trouble standing up from a lying position or if their hindquarters seem to sway while walking.

Progression and Advanced Symptoms

As degenerative myelopathy progresses, the symptoms become more distinct from other conditions like osteoarthritis. Our dogs may experience increasing weakness, which leads to ataxia—wobbling and stumbling during movement. In advanced stages, this debilitating condition can lead to the inability to walk and eventual paralysis. Contrary to earlier stages where the signs may overlap with those of other diseases, these later symptoms are often clear indicators of degenerative myelopathy’s progression.

Management and Treatment Options

While there’s no cure for degenerative myelopathy, we focus on managing the symptoms to improve our dogs’ quality of life. By combining available therapies with dedicated exercise routines and attentive care, we can help slow down the progression of the disease and provide comfort.

Available Therapies

Physical Therapy: It’s vital to maintain muscle strength and mobility for as long as possible. Regular sessions with a professional can help, including:

  • Hydrotherapy: swimming or underwater treadmill exercises.
  • Massage: to alleviate muscle tension and promote circulation.

Medication: While medications can’t reverse DM, they are useful for associated conditions:

  • Anti-inflammatories: to reduce any pain or inflammation potentially caused by secondary issues.
  • Supplements: such as omega-3 fatty acids, which might support nerve health.

Exercise and Care

Daily Exercise: Keeping an active routine is essential but should be gentle to prevent overexertion. Examples include:

  • Short, frequent walks.
  • Stretching exercises, as recommended by a vet or physiotherapist.

Home Care:

  • Mobility Aids: Harnesses and wheelchairs can help dogs stay mobile when hind limb weakness sets in.
  • Living Space Adjustments: Non-slip flooring and easy-access beds make daily life safer and more comfortable.

Making Difficult Decisions

When our dogs are diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, we’re faced with choices that consider their well-being and our responsibility towards them. The progression of the disease requires us to think deeply about their quality of life and when it might be the compassionate choice to say goodbye.

Quality of Life Considerations

We need to pay close attention to our dog’s quality of life as degenerative myelopathy progresses. The disease affects their mobility, so we watch for signs that they’re still enjoying their daily activities. Here’s what we consider:

  • Activity level: Is our dog still engaging with their favorite toys or games?
  • Mobility: Can our dog move around without too much difficulty or are they struggling?
  • Incontinence: Is our dog able to relieve themselves without distress?

These points help us understand their level of comfort and enjoyment in everyday life.

Euthanasia and Support

The thought of euthanasia is a difficult one, but it’s a decision that sometimes must be made out of love and compassion. We think about the following:

  • Dignity: Is our dog still living with dignity or is the disease causing them embarrassment or discomfort?
  • Pain: Though degenerative myelopathy isn’t typically painful, we assess if our dog is experiencing any pain from secondary effects, such as sores from immobility.
  • Advice from Professionals: We consult with our vet to understand the disease’s progression and to receive support in making this tough decision.

In considering euthanasia, we need to ensure that it’s the kindest choice for our dog when their quality of life has diminished significantly.

Research and Hope for the Future

When we talk about degenerative myelopathy (DM) in dogs, it’s a conversation tinged with urgency. DM is a progressive disease of the spinal cord, and up until recently, our treatment options were incredibly limited. After years of research, we’re now on the brink of a breakthrough.

Trials and Treatments:

  • Platform Trials: Inspired by human medicine, these trials allow us to test new treatments more rapidly.
  • Consortia Efforts: Groups of veterinarians and researchers have banded together, pooling resources and knowledge to tackle DM head-on.
  • Quality of Life: Any potential treatment isn’t just about extending life; it’s about enhancing the quality of the time our furry friends have.

Research Initiatives:

Universities InvolvedFocus Area
MultipleExpanding knowledge on DM and potential cures
Increasing access to advanced therapies

We’re seeing more attention given to this condition than ever before. Our collective goal is clear: improve life expectancy and quality of life for dogs with DM. As a community, we remain hopeful. Treatments that once seemed like a distant dream are becoming tangible realities.

With dedicated resources and the tireless work of researchers and canine health foundations, the future is brightening for dogs affected by degenerative myelopathy and their families. We’re not just waiting for miracles; we’re actively creating them.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled some of the most common questions about degenerative myelopathy in dogs to help you understand this condition better.

What signs indicate that it may be time to consider euthanasia for a dog suffering from degenerative myelopathy?

When our dog can no longer enjoy their quality of life, is incontinent, or can’t move without assistance, it may be time for us to have a heartfelt conversation with our vet about euthanasia.

How does degenerative myelopathy typically progress in affected dogs?

Degenerative myelopathy usually starts with a loss of coordination in the hind limbs. As it progresses, our dogs may struggle to walk, become incontinent, and eventually can’t support their weight.

What treatments are currently available for managing degenerative myelopathy in dogs?

There’s no cure for degenerative myelopathy, but we can manage the disease with physical therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, and special harnesses to help our dogs move around.

What symptoms should I be on the lookout for if I suspect my dog might have degenerative myelopathy?

Watch for signs like dragging hind feet, difficulty rising, swaying when standing still, and muscle loss in the hind limbs, as these may indicate degenerative myelopathy.

Is exercise beneficial for dogs diagnosed with degenerative myelopathy, and how should it be approached?

Yes, gentle exercise like swimming can help maintain muscle mass and mobility. We must ensure it’s low-impact to avoid stress on our dog’s body.

Are there other conditions that can be confused with degenerative myelopathy, and how can they be differentiated?

Yes, other conditions like spinal cord problems, hip dysplasia, or arthritis can mimic degenerative myelopathy. A vet may use MRIs, CT scans, blood work, and spinal fluid analysis to diagnose the correct condition.